Yinshan is one of the most dreaded of the Chinese magical sects as it is purely a necromantic sect. That is its main tool of Yinshan system are the use of ghosts and souls of the dead. It is in this respect similar to Palo Myombe.

Yin Shan, or Yin Mountain refers to all that is Yin in nature, in this sense, the negative Yin or Ghost World. Yin Shan is envisioned as the Mountain kingdom of the ghosts. It has as it's head a wrathful form of Laojun and the chief, Yinshan Ancestral Master. 

All its rites are performed in contact with the ground to channel yin ghost lines and chthonic forces that rise up rather than descend from rarefied heavenly heights.

Yinshan spells are designed to get super quick results. Instead of using Gods or other spirits, it recruits the souls of the dead. Not any ghost will do however. The ghosts used by Yinshan sorcerers are especially cultivated by certain processes. 

The Yin Ghost Warriors and the Five Ghosts are well known. The Yin and Yang Impermanence, the Ghost Mountain King and the Horse Faced and Bull Headed guardians of Hell are also employed. 

One typical rite now follows. Try at your own risk. Choose a Yin Day and the Zi hour. 

Have the censer, bowl of water etc on the floor, some spirit money and jiama money. 

The Five talismans are arranged around the bowl of yin water. Black ink on green paper. 

This spell captures the soul of an enemy and drives it into Hell (Diyu).

I invoke and command ye, ye Five Ghost Warriors! Ye Five Yin Warriors and ye renowned Ghost Generals. Come and take and seize the three Immortal souls and seven mortal souls of XXXXX, along with the Twelve original essences!Come Come, come to this altar to bring punishment to XXXXX!  Quickly Quickly!! Ghost Lords! Hurry Hurry! Urging the true soul, the true po soul of XXXXX to be dragged down unto Hell!! They shall be put to torture, the Evil Warriors and Evil Commanders of renown, they go forth!! The Evil Warriors and Evil Generals execute their dread methods now now!!! Yin Warriors and Ghost Generals come, travelling to enchain, bind in chains, bind in chains, to twist the mind, to drive insane, to confuse, daze and befuddle. Insane insane insane!! Turmoil and chaos!! They recognise no one., their entire being and body burns with fire that increases with intensity! In seven days their life is given unto Hell!!

I command this by Yinshan Ancestral Master!! JI JI RU LULING!!!!

Perform the Five Ghost Yin Steps. The mudra or Five Yin Fingers which is right sword fingers grasped firmly in the Thunder Hand. 

Burn the spirit money. 


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